OTTAWA, Ontario, May 07, 2013 – Last week, the Ontario government confirmed its commitment to renewable fuels by announcing consultations on a renewable diesel mandate as part of its budget. In particular, these consultations will seek a renewable content standard for diesel and consider the carbon intensity for any qualifying fuel. The announcement in the budget is a very important first step to the creation of a mandate for renewable content in Ontario’s diesel fuel and is welcome news for biofuels producers and consumers alike.
“Clean-burning, renewable fuels reduce harmful greenhouse gas and tailpipe emissions, making a real difference for the health of our climate and ourselves. As such, these important consultations should be initiated as soon as possible,” said CRFA President W. Scott Thurlow. “Biodiesel is a proven, high- performance fuel that is being used across North America. In fact, trucks entering Ontario from western provinces and the United States are already running on biodiesel blends. This is even more reason to get to work on a mandate so that Ontario keeps pace with its neighbours and starts enjoying the economic benefits of domestic renewable fuels production where it matters most – here at home.”